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by WTOC News on February 5, 2017

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By Tesia Reed, WTOC News

A husband and wife doctor duo say they're changing the face of medicine by cutting out the insurance company aspect of medicine all together.

They say it’s not about making more money, or even getting more patients, but providing better care for the patients they do have and building personal relationships.

Dr. Pete and Christi Ghaleb opened up a direct primary care, or DPC, this January called Family Medicine of Pooler. They don't take insurance for anything including office visits, in house labs, wholesale medicine and small procedures at a low monthly cost of $10-$100 depending on your age. 

"What we're trying to do instead is try to spread the word to other physicians particularly in our area because we love Savannah and we want more doctors providing this for their patients, but they don't know about it," said Dr. Pete Ghaleb.

"It became very daunting with all of the paperwork and regulations and things that you had to go through,” said Dr. Christi Ghaleb. “So this way it’s getting back to basics again and I can enjoy what I do and why I actually got into medicine."

Dr. Christie, who used to work at Memorial, handles the medicine side of things while Dr. Pete handles the business side of things.

"Our original goal in this was not to save patients money,” said Dr. Pete Ghaleb. “That's a byproduct of what it’s doing. It’s for better patient care and that to me is invaluable."

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